Updates to the R2P System

We have recently made a series of updates to the R2P System, improving existing functionality and adding new and exciting developments.
As a result of these updates, you may be required to reset your password on the first time you log in. This can be done from the login page by selecting 'Forgot password?'.
If you have any queries about the new R2P system or your account then please get in touch with us via hello@return2play.org.uk.

OK, where do I start?

Whether you are a School, Club or University, we’d love to hear about how we can help you, so please get in touch.

Return2Play is the trading name for the Sports Medicine service provided by Meliora Medical Group.

Other services include general medical services for schools and lifestyle medicine services. For more information, please visit the Meliora Medical Group website.

Visit melioramedicalgroup.co.uk