Your Return2Play Appointment

To begin your appointment with the Return2Play Clinician, please select the ‘Enter Waiting Room‘ button.

When asked to enter your name please ensure that you enter the name of the patient being seen (not a parent/guardian name).

Once in the waiting room you will able to see if the clinician is currently with another patient, and the clinician will then call you for your appointment when they are free. Please enable your webcam and microphone so that the clinician can see and hear you!

If using a smartphone, please use either Safari or Google browsers.

Please note that your entering the appointment confirms your consent to be assessed by our doctors.

Enter virtual waiting room for

Enter waiting room

OK, where do I start?

Whether you are a School, Club or University, we’d love to help you enhance medical care and well-being for your pupils/players, so please feel free to contact us.

Return2Play is the trading name for the Sports Medicine service provided by Meliora Medical Group.

Other services include general medical services for schools and lifestyle medicine services. For more information, please visit the Meliora Medical Group website.
