R2P feature on front page of The Sunday Times

Return2Play feature on the front page of The Sunday Times  in an article about concussion in school rugby.

Dr Sam Barke, Head of Sports Medicine, said in response to the article:
“Stand-alone statistics can look worrying, but sometimes they can actually reveal positives. These are injuries that have been identified, had their recovery closely managed and only returned to sport after an appropriate stand-down and gradual return to sport process. This is by far the most important intervention to reduce short and long term risk.

Our biggest concern should be the large number of injuries that go unrecognised – not through lack of want, but through lack of knowledge. Recognition is the most important step in good management. This injury has always existed and the steps being taken by an ever increasing number of schools to reduce risk and improve care of their pupils should be applauded.”


Read the full article here

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